Just About the Easiest DIY Ever

Raise your hand if you have ever been personally victimized by Pinterest DIYs.

Like, seriously. Is it just me or are a lot of the Pinterest DIYs labelled “simple” or “easy” actually really complicated? So complicated that they would require years of crafting experience in order to properly execute?

That’s basically how I’ve felt every time I’ve attempted to do a Pinterest DIY. Unless it’s really simple, I’m not interested.

However, I recently did my own little DIY, and it was so simple and easy that I knew I wanted to share it here on the blog. It’s basically (why do I keep saying that word today? I never use that word) an inspiration board in the form of a photo strand.


Since I’m really happy about how this turned out, I figured I’d share with you all exactly how I did it!

What You’ll Need:


Miniature white clothespins

A black sharpie

Tiffany blue ribbon

The first thing you’ll want to do is find your photos. This could easily work with images of friends and family you have sitting around your house; however, I wanted to stick with a black-and-white theme when creating mine, so I browsed the internet for some cute little pictures and graphics. I threw in a few quotes as well, which I felt gave it fun (and much-needed) variation.

After getting my photos printed and cut out, I turned my focus to the clothespins. I got a pack of mini clothespins from my local craft store for fairly inexpensive, and you can get them online for cheap as well.

Once you’ve got your clothespins, open them up and give them a few randomly-placed polka dots. I used a sharpie marker to do this because it was easy and less messy than paint. The dots turned out nearly precise and didn’t smudge or smear.

After that, the process is pretty self-explanatory. You cut yourself a piece of ribbon (tiffany blue, of course), clip your photos to it, and hang the finished product on your wall. And voila! The easiest DIY ever is done!

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and have a lovely rest of your Sunday! 🙂

Other easy DIY posts

DIY Memo Board

DIY Makeup Brush Storage

How do you feel about DIYs? 

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17 thoughts on “Just About the Easiest DIY Ever

  1. Great job! I have a similar photo garland in my Valentine’s Day decor haul, check it out!💖 —https://emilyryannblogblog.wordpress.com/2018/02/05/2018-valentines-day-decor/

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