Monthly Goals: February 2018

Hello, hello!

I’m writing to you on a bright and chilly morning from the comfort of my favorite desk chair, coffee cup in hand. I’ve got my planner sitting right alongside me because ultimately that will be what today is about: planning!

I know, I know. It doesn’t really sound exciting, does it? But I promise that for me it is.

The truth is, it has been a while since I’ve been able to sit down and devote an entire day to blog work. Most of the time, it’s a quick post here and a quick photo session there. Not an entire day.

I’ve got a lot that I’m hoping to get done today, and I figured what better way to kick it off than with another installment of my monthly goals!

This series was a staple of mine last year. And while I decided I wasn’t going to bring it into 2018, I realized that I really do love writing these posts. I don’t know if I’m going to bring them back every single month. But I think these goals posts are a good way for me to share what’s currently going on with me and catch up with you all.

Okay. Enough rambling. Onto the goals.

1. Pre-write posts through March 

Here’s a fun fact about my blog if you don’t know it already: I write the majority of my posts well in advance. Besides during blogmas or any other daily blogging challenge I may participate in, I have my Tuesday and Thursday posts ready to go a few weeks ahead of time. Sunday is the day that I do my spontaneous blogging.

I operate like this really for two reasons. 1). Things happen. And I would like to be prepared in case something comes up that prevents me from blogging. 2). I am a total planner freak, who needs to have everything set in stone in order to relax.

One of my goals for February is to get really far ahead in terms of pre-written posts. I think this would make it easier on me in the long-run. Plus, it would give me a chance to do a bit more spontaneous blogging (maybe four posts a week?). Doing more spontaneous blogging was actually one of my blog resolutions for 2018. That being said, it would be nice to fulfill it early in the year.

2. Use my Instagram stories more often

Lately, I think I’ve done a decent job of making sure to post on my blog’s social media. I’ve definitely gone through inconsistent patches with it in the past, so it has been nice to have found some consistency.

However, I have to admit that I rarely (if ever) use my Instagram stories. The stories are a really cool feature. And I feel like using them would allow me to connect with you all a little better. So, goal two of the month of February is to start using them.

3. Relax (occasionally) 

Taking a few breaks whenever I have the chance is another thing I’d really love to focus on this month. While I like to be as productive as I can, I think it’s important for me to find some time for myself as well (and maybe even pick up a new hobby). If you have any good suggestions, please let me know.

Those are my goals for the month! I’ll try and keep you all updating on how they turn out, providing I remember to. In the meantime, I’m wishing you all a wonderful and fulfilling month!

What are some of your goals for this month?

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7 thoughts on “Monthly Goals: February 2018

  1. Sounds like we have a lot in common, I’m a total planner freak. I also write my blogs in advance! I’ve just started on Instagram so I’d like to use that more, too. Great post.


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