2nd Blogiversary!

Currently, Lately officially turns two years old today! It’s hard for me to believe that I’ve been doing this for that long. In fact, it feels like just yesterday I was writing my first post and taking blurry pictures to go alongside it (I’m shuddering just thinking about it…)

Anyway, with today being the two year mark, I wanted to take a moment to say a giant THANK YOU to anyone who has ever read one of my posts. Running this blog continues to bring me a tremendous amount of joy, and I really appreciate your support.

I also wanted to include a few links to some of my most popular posts from my second year of blogging. Coming up with blog post ideas in the future, I am definitely going to keep these ones in mind. I want to make sure you’re interested in seeing the content I put up here, so if there’s anything you’re hoping to get more of, feel free to let me know!


5 Ways I Developed A Consistent Workout Routine

8 Things I Would Like to Learn to Do

My Best Blogging Advice

The Early Bird Really Does Get the Worm: What I’ve Learned From Adjusting My Sleep Schedule

Ways I’ve Improved My Instagram

4 Apps You NEED As A Blogger

Sunflower Shorts & Sunny Days

Why I’ve Quit My Instagram Theme

Summer Beauty Favorites

6 Easy Ways to Grow Your Blog

Thank you once again. Chat again tomorrow!

Going forward, what kind of content do you want to see here?

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