What Exactly Is Personal Style?

fashion blogger wearing pink dress and heels

One of the first jobs I ever applied for was in retail. It was a sales associate position at a clothing store at my local mall. Shortly after I submitted my application, I had a phone interview with the store’s manager. I remember listening as she fired away with question after question, one of which took me off-guard.

“How would you describe your personal style?” She asked.

I froze. Blame it on the job interview nerves. And after a moment of hesitation, I blurted out something along the lines of “modern and trendy and with the current styles.” Blah. Blah Blah. It was a garbage answer, and I didn’t really think too hard about it. All I wanted was to make it through the interview.

Though I didn’t end up getting the sales associate position (which actually worked out for the best), I think the question of personal style (or a lack thereof) is an interesting thing to talk about, especially since a big portion of this blog is about fashion.

There are all sorts of umbrella terms people use to describe their own personal styles–words like “preppy,” “modern,” and “sophisticated.” And these words can give you a pretty good indication of how a person likes to dress on a day-to-day basis. However, what I feel like I’ve realized is that some of us aren’t totally sure what are personal style is. Or if we even have one for that matter. I happen to fall into this group of people.

My personal taste in fashion makes drastic changes on a routinely basis. Sometimes I feel like wearing all black from head-to-toe. Sometimes I’m in the mood for skinny jeans and a pair of sneakers. Sometimes I’m all about bright pink dresses and heels. It just depends on the day, you know?

Today was an aforementioned ‘pink and heels’ day. I had nowhere particularly fancy I needed to be, but when I went to get dressed this morning, I just felt like wearing pearls and a hot pink dress. It’s colorful and fun. And though it’s not something I would be super into every single day, it was perfect for today. Which brings me to my main point. Is personal style even a thing? While there are certain trends and patterns that I’m more fond of than others, I don’t believe there’s one underlying theme in my wardrobe. I’m not always dressed “preppy” or always dressed “modern.” There’s no rhyme, no motif, no reason to what I wear.

So, in conclusion, I’m convinced I have no personal style. And I don’t mind that at all. Maybe the lack of consistency in my wardrobe preventing me from getting that sales associates job a while ago, but I really love the idea of embarking on each day with a new style.

fashion blogger wearing pink dress




DRESS * (similar): Nordstrom Rack

SHOES * (similar): Kelly & Katie

SUNGLASSES (similar): New York & Company

How would you describe your personal style? Do you have one?

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18 thoughts on “What Exactly Is Personal Style?

  1. I agree that i dont feel like i have a personal style, i loved this topic! i kinda wear whatever i see is pretty and if thats ‘quirky’ on sundays or ‘modern’ on wednesdays it changes all the time!

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Your comments makes a lot of sense quite frankly. There are some people who may like one style and literally wear that style daily. I am not like that. I’m not into certain trends like holes in my jeans , rips in any part of my wardrobe. But I live clothing with texture.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Super interesting question! I also struggle to define my style as it changes from season to season! Although I try determine some guidelines, I mainly use Pinterest to watch other people’s outfit and I’ve seen some tendencies in the styles I like 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It is kind of hard to describe your personal style if you are constantly changing it. I am now in a phase when I like to dress more elegantly, but on the other hand I also love wearing colourful summer dresses. It really depends on my mood. If you would look in my closet there are very different styles hidden there. 🙂


  5. Cute outfit! I too love to wear all black from head-to-toe certain days. I would say my personal style outside of work would be a mix between edgy and boho-chic. I live for dark coloured clothing, but sometimes you will find me in some colourful dresses as well.


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