A Gift Guide For Bloggers

Is it just me, or is it basically impossible to think of something to say when people ask you what you want for the holidays?

Any other time of the year, I could tell you a dozen things I would want right off the top of my head. But when it’s the holiday season, I can’t seem to think of a single thing.

Well, today I’m getting a jump on that reoccurring problem by creating a gift guide for bloggers. I thought it would be fun to put together a list of things that either a). I want for blogging purposes or b). I have for blogging purposes.

There are a lot of fairly inexpensive things out there that could make great gifts for bloggers. That being said, here’s a few that I’ve found!

Marble vinyl  If there’s one thing bloggers love, it’s marble. You can never go wrong with an aesthetically-pleasing sheet of vinyl if you’re shopping for a blogger who takes flatlays. I can tell you from experience that there’s not much more exciting than breaking out a brand new background. It’s one of those things a blogger could always use.

Capture Your Style – Aimee Song’s “Capture Your Style” is great book for bloggers. It’s filled with useful information about developing a brand on Instagram, which is obviously one of the biggest platforms out there.

Reflector – Having a reflector makes it a lot easier to take bright blog photos on dreary days. I have this inexpensive one from Amazon, and it works wonders.

Cute journals – Stylish journals and notebooks make for some of the best blog props. They’re easy to put into a flatlay for that finishing touch.

Craft store gift card – This is again specific to bloggers who take flatlays. I frequently find myself running to the craft store to pick up things like doilies and confetti, as I’m certain many bloggers do. A gift card to your local craft store would definitely be of use to any blogger you know.

Planner – Having a planner can sometimes feel like a necessity as a blogger. Without having a place to write down post ideas, things can get pretty jumbled and confusing. A planner is a great gift because it can be both fun and practical.

Tripod– A tripod is a wonderful gift for a blogger because it can help simplify the photography process.

What are some gifts you would like to receive this holiday season? 


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18 thoughts on “A Gift Guide For Bloggers

  1. I honestly gave up on a christmas list this year. I asked for things I needed like new jeans. But I did drop a hint about a new camera to do vlogging and potentially livestream with!


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