Five things I’ve Learned in Five years of blogging

Currently, Lately is five! 

Well, technically, it’s been five since August, but because I wasn’t posting over the summer, I didn’t take the time to properly acknowledge the milestone, so humor me for a second. 

It’s hard to believe it’s been five years since I hit publish on my first blog post (which, btw, has since been deleted…there’s nothing that makes me internally cringe more than my old posts, lol). 

In light of my five-year blogiversary, I decided to share some things I’ve learned about blogging over the years. I was clueless about blogging when I first started, and these past few years have certainly taught me a lot. 

Lulls happen 

Inspiration comes in waves. 

There will be days (sometimes months) when you can hardly motivate yourself to write a single sentence, let alone an entire post. 

Though it’s important to push through motivational ruts, it’s OK to give yourself breaks, too. 

The internet often tries to convince us that in order to be successful, you have to be productive 24/7. That if you haven’t written three blog posts, launched a business, and secured a brand deal by the afternoon, you aren’t using your time as effectively as you should. 

It’s easy to let a creative lull trick you into thinking you’re not good enough to accomplish your goals. When that happens, remind yourself that your feelings are valid and completely normal. 

Social media might indicate otherwise, but droughts of motivation happen to everyone.

Don’t measure yourself against unattainable standards of success and productivity. 

You don’t need a niche 

Feel free to disagree with me, but I don’t think it’s necessary for your blog to have a hyper specific niche. 

When I started Currently, Lately, I read many articles about the need for finding a particular focus for your blog. I tried sticking to one subject for a while, but eventually I grew tired of it and decided to write whatever I felt like writing. 

Most of my posts fall into the “Lifestyle” category, but I don’t limit myself based on that alone. 

If something interests me, I write about it. It doesn’t matter if it differs greatly from what I wrote the previous week, or the week before that. 

A blog should be your space. Make what you want of it.   

Learn photography. Fast. 

Unless you plan on using stock photos for all your posts, it’s a good idea to pick up some basic photography skills. 

Photos are an important part of running a blog. Whether it’s your favorite makeup products or a cookie recipe, readers want to see what you’re talking about. 

By no means do you need to become a professional photographer, but understanding the values of light and composition will enhance your blog’s photos tremendously. 

I recommend taking the time to scroll through some of your favorite blogs and look at their photos. What makes you like them? What qualities stand out to you? This will help you get a sense of how you want to approach your blog photography. 

Don’t overwhelm yourself with stats 

Whether you’re looking to make your blog your full-time job or using it as a creative outlet, developing readership takes time. 

Starting a blog is overwhelming in itself—there’s no reason to discourage yourself by viewing your stats and seeing you haven’t gained any readers. 

Give yourself some time to get used to blogging before delving into the stats aspect. 

Once you get a hang of things, it’ll be easier to interpret your views and figure out what content your readers enjoy the most. 

Create what you love 

The best way to come up with posts that will resonate with readers is to focus on what you enjoy. 

If you’re writing something that excites you, your passion will come through and engage your readers. 

Let your blog reflect your personality and don’t be afraid to create what excites you, even if it doesn’t fall into your regular mold. 

What’s something you’ve learned from blogging?



Check out some other blogging-related posts here:

The Dos and Don’ts of Working With Brands as a Blogger

Why I Don’t Like Talking About My Blog IRL

Blogging Basics: Finding the Perfect Photoshoot Location

19 thoughts on “Five things I’ve Learned in Five years of blogging

  1. “You don’t need a niche .” THIS. Like you, I read so many posts that said you need a niche to be successful but actually no, you don’t. What you need is a passion for writing and an understanding of what questions your audience is asking so you can tailor your content accordingly (also known as SEO!). Congrats of 5 years of blogging, and here’s to the next 5 too! x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So true! You can gear your content toward the interests of your readers and still write about a variety of topics! And thank you so much!


  2. Congratulations on 5 years! You’re totally right, inspiration comes in waves and its so important to focus on creating what you love! I’m definitely focused on making an income from blogging as I’m currently unemployed but it’s been such a nice outlet for me during the pandemic. Thanks for sharing xx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Congrats on blogging for 5 years! I am just discovering your blog now for some reason – I am surprised that I haven’t discovered it sooner! I just hit the 5-year mark a couple days ago (April 4, 2016). I agree that you do not have to stick with one niche or theme. There are about 6-10 niches that I work with which gives me some flexibility and prevents me from getting “bored.” I completely agree that posting your own photos vs. using stock images makes a blog stand out from the crowd. Whatever you are doing is working – you’re well on your way to 5,000 followers which is incredible! 😊💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much!! And congrats on hitting five years, too! Having a variety of niches definitely keeps me from getting bored. I feel like it would be so difficult coming up with post ideas if I stuck to just one specific thing!

      Liked by 1 person

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