Back to basics: 5 items you need to have in your closet

A lot of the time, I think the best outfits are the understated ones. The ones that are simple in theory but classic in execution. And what typically makes up these understated outfits? Basics.

I love basics. The way I see it, they’re some of the most important pieces of a person’s wardrobe. Basics should be your investment pieces. After all, they’re the ones that are going to get the most wear. 

Why drop a bunch of money on a dress you’ll only wear twice a year or a pair of shoes you’ll only bring out on special occasions? Doesn’t it make more sense to splurge on pieces that you can put to use in your day-to-day life?

Today I am sharing with you five must-have basics that you shouldn’t feel guilty spending a little extra on. Not only are these items super versatile, but the number of different ways they can be styled is sure to get you your money’s worth.

#1: The stylish jeans 

fashion blogger drinks coffee
From: “The worst thing about creativity”

We all deserve a good-quality, go-to pair of jeans. I keep a couple of pairs in a near constant rotation, but right now my favorites are these loose-fitting, distressed ones. I like to slightly roll up the legs to add to the casual vibe.

Anyway, a pair of jeans is the perfect basic to invest in because you end up wearing them all the time. Honestly, I can’t remember the last time I went a week without wearing these. They go with practically everything in my wardrobe, which means they’re easy to make an outfit of when I am scrambling in the morning, trying to put something together. In the past, I have neglected jeans. But now that I realize how often I depend on them for quick, easy and reliable outfits, I wouldn’t hesitate to call them the very crux of my wardrobe.

#2: The LBD

fashion blogger wears hat, holds coffee
From: “Why I don’t like talking about my blog irl”

Another item that’s important? A little black dress, of course. Now this number isn’t your traditional LBD, but it’s been so consistent for me over the years that I think it qualifies. Casual or sophisticated, this dress works in virtually any way. I never have a hard time figuring out what to pair it with, and the fabric is super light and comfy.

#3: The ‘go-with-everything’ boots 

plaid skirt ootd
From: “Tips for taking winter blog photos”

I know I wear these boots a lot on the here. Probably too much. But in my defense, they really do go with everything. I love the combination of the black and brown faux leather.  It’s a pairing that shouldn’t work yet somehow totally does. Anyway, if you’re going to invest in any kind of footwear and you live someplace that gets cold weather, I say boots are the way to go. In addition to getting to use them three of the four seasons, you’ll be able to style them both up and down. Tell me, what’s more worthwhile than a versatile, (practically) year-round shoe?

#4: The denim jacket

close up jean jacket look
From: “Could we all just agree to stop hating self-promo?”

By this point, I am sure you know just how strongly I feel about denim jackets. But in case you aren’t aware, let me quickly say that I love them more than anything in my closet. It probably goes without saying why a jacket like this is so great to have on hand. From leggings to dresses, a denim jacket goes with everything. If it’s too warm for a coat but too cold to go without a jacket, the denim jacket is the perfect solution. Plus, it’s an easy item to throw on when you’re rushing out the door in the morning. I seriously can’t tell you the number of times I’ve found myself slipping this jacket on right as I was heading out for the day. Without a doubt, this element of my wardrobe has gotten plenty of use.

#5: The neutral coat 

From: “I don’t think I know how not to be a blogger anymore”

Finally, a great item to have on you is a neutral coat. I’ve had this black-and-white coat for a couple of years now, and it’s been really reliable for me. I love the fact that it can take simple looks like this one and make them look more put together.

Anyway, those are a few basics that I have to have in closet! I’d love to hear about the items on your must-have list as well. Thank you so much for reading!

What must-have basics are in your closet? 

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