3 Gorgeous Fall Lip Colors

While I’m not a fan of most of the things that occur in fall (cold weather, less sunlight, the return of pumpkin spice everything. Seriously, who asked for things like pumpkin spiced yogurt?!?), I have to admit there’s nothing I love more than an autumnal lipstick. I’ve always preferred the deep reds, purples, and burgundies that come into popularity during the fall to the pinks that people sport during the summer. Pink is wonderful and everything, but I’ve always been partial to vampy lipsticks.

Since fall is just around the corner, today seemed like the perfect time to talk about some of my favorite autumn lip products. In my opinion, revisiting old favorites is one of the most enjoyable things to do in beauty blogging. I love being able to shout out products that have worked for me. Plus, it never fails to start conversations about other great buys.

The first product that has been a fall staple of mine for quite a while now is Rimmel London’s “Bordeaux” lipstick.  I actually bought this lipstick at Target last year on a total whim. Seeing that it was Rimmel (which is one of my favorite drugstore brands) and that it was only $4.99, I set it in my shopping cart and figured I’d give it a try. I’m so glad I made that decision because “Bordeaux” is such a wonderful lipstick. The color is a rich, deep burgundy, but now as I’m looking at the swatch I think it has a plum undertone as well. With its dark boldness, this lipstick screams “fall” to me. I like pairing it with shimmery eyeshadow and winged liner for an even bolder statement.

While “Bordeaux” is a really fantastic color, the lipstick does have its cons. The formula transfers fairly easily. After you’ve had a couple bites to eat or a few sips to drink, you’ll probably have to reapply. This can be annoying if you’re on the go somewhere and you don’t have the time to stop and reapply your lipstick every time you eat.

Other than that, I’m happy with this lipstick. You can’t expect perfection from something that only costs $4.99. I’d be more concerned if this was a $15 or $20 lipstick. For what it’s worth, “Bordeaux” has been a good buy for me. Its gorgeous color makes it the perfect fall lipstick.

From top: “Copper Pink,” “Rikugien,” “Bordeaux”

Secondly, I find myself reaching for the Nars Satin Lip Pencil in “Rikugien” during the fall months. If you recognize that name, chances are you already tried it before. This lip pencil was Sephora’s birthday gift in either 2015 or 2016, though I honestly can’t remember. Anyways, “Rikugien” is a dark and matte shade of pink that serves as a wonderful everyday fall lipstick. It isn’t super bright or eye-catching, so it’s great for those days when you want the focus of your makeup to be on the eyes. If I have on a smoky eye, it’s most likely that I’m also wearing this lip pencil.

Besides its color, one thing I particularly love about this product is its smooth and moisturizing formula. I think it’s a well known fact that matte lipsticks tend to be very drying, which is seriously one of the grossest feelings. I really like the look of matte lips, but I’m going to let my lips feel like the Sahara Desert all day just so I can achieve that matte finish. But “Rikugien” is different than most of its kind. Unlike a lot of the matte lip products I’ve used, it doesn’t feel like it’s drying out my lips. It’s nice having a matte that doesn’t seem to suck the moisture out of my lips for once.

Oddly enough, I’m just realizing that the last product I’m going to talk about was also once a Sephora birthday gift: Make Up For Ever’s “Copper Pink” Rouge Artist Natural Lipstick. From the moment I got this lipstick, I knew I was bound to like it. Similar to “Rikugien,” this color is on the deep pink side. It’s extremely moisturizing, doesn’t leave a heavy texture on your lips, and pairs nicely with pretty much any makeup look.

My one compliant about this “Copper Pink” lipstick, though, is that it’s sheerer than I would like. When I applied it for the first time, I was a little surprised by how sheer it was. The rich color of the lipstick gives you the impression that it’s highly pigmented, but in reality you have to apply several coats to achieve such a look. I was a tad disappointed by that aspect of Make Up For Ever’s “Copper Pink” lipstick, but it made up for it in its moisturizing formula. Moisture is such a crucial ingredient to a good fall lipstick, especially if you have dry skin like me.

As a big fall lipstick person, I love finding and experimenting with different dark lipsticks. Hopefully, if you try any of these out, you’ll have great experiences too. Let me know if you’d like to see more fall makeup posts!

What are some of your favorite fall lipsticks? 


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22 thoughts on “3 Gorgeous Fall Lip Colors

    1. Thank you! I like some pumpkin spice things, but I definitely think it gets over done. I tried these pumpkin spice biscottis a few weeks ago and they were amazing! I actually think I’m going to write a blog post about them lol

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Love this post, and I’d love to see more fall makeup posts! I honestly just reach for any of the darker shades in my lipstick collection for fall, unless I have a super fancy eye then I go for a nude lipstick. As for the pumpkin spic fall trend I have yet to find something I like. All I know is I’m not a fan of the PSL from Starbucks.


  2. Fall is my favourite lipstick season too! I also just did a fall lipstick top 5 in my case if you fancy to check out my page.. We could follow each other and be internet friends, it would mean the world to me 🙂
    Love, Mimi



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