Something I’ve Been Meaning to Say

There are times when you sit down to write a blog post and you have a million different thing you’d like to talk about. There are also times when you sit down to write a blog post and nothing seems to come to mind. Since I’m telling you this right off the bat here, I’m assuming you can guess which scenario I’m currently dealing with. This post was actually supposed to go up last night, but I ended up scrapping it because I wasn’t happy with the finished product. Anyways, since I don’t have any specific topic that I want to discuss today, I thought that I would share a life update of sorts. Hopefully this will provide a clear explanation for why I’ve been blogging less frequently these past couple of months.

I’m the type of person who likes planning and agendas. If my to-do lists could have their own to-do lists, they would. I like to keep myself organized, especially when it comes to work and blogging. For me, personally, it’s a lot easier to balance everything that I have going on when I’m writing things down and budgeting my time. I don’t think that I would be able to blog as much as I do if it weren’t for my planner. This probably doesn’t surprise you if you’ve been reading this blog for a while. I’ve written a plethora of posts on planners, organization, goal setting in the past. Staying organized is basically my lifeblood.

For those of you who haven’t been following for long, I should mention that I’m not a full-time blogger. Currently, Lately is a hobby of mine, but I treat it just as seriously as I would treat if it were a full-time job. I’m sure all part-time bloggers understand what I mean by that. Even if you aren’t getting paid to blog but you love doing it, you only want to put up content that you’re 100% satisfied with. I feel like there’s this misconception about blogging that it’s really quick and easy, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Just like any other hobby or job, it takes a lot of work and diligence. Which can be exceptionally difficult if you’re a part-time blogger and yo refuse to put up content that doesn’t meet your personal standards.

I’ve got a pretty chaotic schedule coming up in the next few months, a schedule that’s going to demand a lot of my time and effort. I’m excited for my new schedule and all the changes it’ll bring, but, at the same time, I’m very worried about how it will impact my blogging time. I don’t want to become someone who isn’t able to put all of my effort into my blog. I don’t think that would be fair to any of you. So, given my love for schedules and planners and organization, I’ve been focusing a lot of my time on pre-writing content. I haven’t been been blogging less than usual (if anything, I’ve been blogging more), but I’ve been holding back the majority of it.

Normally I’m a blogger who will write a post and publish it within a few days. But I know that right now writing ahead is the best option for me. Once I get adjusted to my new schedule, I’ll be able to go back to my write and publish habit, but I need to give myself the chance to adjust before I do anything. During that adjustment period, I still want to have content going up regularly.

I really appreciate you all for reading this blog and cannot tell you how happy it makes me to write it. I feel like I’ve had a pretty erratic posting schedule recently and I wanted to give you all an explanation. Content will start going up at a consistent pattern very soon. I haven’t committed to a blogging schedule yet, because I don’t want to promise something unless I know that I can deliver it. That being said, I do have a general idea of the kind of schedule I want to have. I just don’t want to say anything about it until I know that it will work for me.

Anyways, that concludes this post! I’m going to grab a cup of coffee and attempt to brainstorm some post ideas. Thank you all for tolerating this sort of ramble-y one.

Do you write blog posts well in advance, or do you post right after something is written? 


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15 thoughts on “Something I’ve Been Meaning to Say

  1. An interesting post, Paige. My blog is also more of a hobby, although I do promote my books on my blog to an extent. It is difficult finding time for everything when you have work demands so a blogging schedule may help you to feel more in control and more focused.

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  2. I usually write my blog posts in advance, especially if i know i’m going to have a busy schedule coming up! I love planning beforehand and writing down all the blog post ideas down for the month! Good luck with all the changes xx

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  3. I plan everything out and have drafts on drafts on drafts of posts that I’m working on. I have a list for post ideas that I can draw inspiration from and at the start of the week I plan out my posts for the next week (this way I can make sure I get the photos I need). I honestly don’t know what I would do without my planner – I take it everywhere I go!


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  4. I always write in advance. It gives me piece of mind knowing I already have a post going up that has been edited and looked over, so that I can work on new posts for the following week. I get a lot of anxiety when I publish something, so being able to schedule it and have it post automatically has really helped.

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  5. I’m fairly new to blogging myself, and I’m struggling with the posting schedule too- I know it’s only going to get more erratic when university starts again. It’s such a great hobby though, and I love it. Can’t wait to read more of your work x

    Liked by 1 person

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