Why Bloggers Should Support Other Bloggers

I hate to open this post with “when I started my blog, I didn’t know…” because I feel like so many of them begin that way, but I can’t think of a more appropriate opening phrase, so it appears I’m stuck.

When I started my blog, I didn’t know how competitive the Blogging Industry actually was. Obviously I realized that all bloggers have long-term goals for their blogs and that some bloggers achieve them quicker than others. Other than that, I had no idea of the competitive nature of blogging world. Looking back, I’m honestly glad I didn’t know about it. I think that I would have found the entire thing intimidating and second guessed starting up my own blog.

While I developed a sense of the competitiveness of blogging a couple of months into the process, it wasn’t until a few weeks ago that I actually felt its effects. Recently I had a few bloggers ask me what apps I use to edit my photos. I’ve never been secretive about the way that I edit or blog. I’ve written posts about my favorite apps and tips, so I immediately shared the names. What stunned me were the responses I received afterwards.

These were very different bloggers of very different sizes, but they all had similar replies. All of them seemed genuinely surprised that I had shared the names of apps. Their collective surprise took me by surprise. It made me realize how competitive the Blogging Industry actually is. There are bloggers out there who are unwilling to share tips with other bloggers, which means that they don’t want others to succeed.

To me, this is a clear reflection of the biggest problem in blogging. People become so worried about their own work that they forget what blogging is really supposed to be: a community of people with similar interests, sharing ideas with one another.

I don’t think we should root against each other’s success. We should be happy when other bloggers succeed. Being supportive of other bloggers is what allows the community to thrive. When blogging is made into a competition, it loses its fun and authenticity.

Do you think bloggers should support other bloggers? 



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51 thoughts on “Why Bloggers Should Support Other Bloggers

  1. For me, that is the only way. If I didn’t feel any support and was not available to support other bloggers I would stop blogging. My favorite part is the sharing, the being there for each other. No competition here.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I totally agree! Nothing people ask is proprietary information; all these apps or themes or whatever are out there publicly for anyone to use, so it’s just a matter of some bloggers trying to make it harder for others to find the tools they use. I think that is so sad and petty.

      Fantastic post, Paige!

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Couldn’t have worded it better myself! I love chatting to fellow bloggers, it helps you grow as a person as well as online! People who act competitive turn out to only care about the follow count and not the real reason behind blogging

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Great post and I agree with this totally, the blogging community is great and I am so glad that I joined it, everyone is so kind and helpful that I have spoken with, and I love interacting with other bloggers.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I’d never thought about it like that! I’d always be happy to share my knowledge with others as I’d hope they’d share with us. The world needs more people building others up at the moment xx

    Liked by 3 people

  5. I only do it as a hobby it’s fun and I love makeup, I don’t acctaly pay attention to Instagramers that have thousand and millions of followers I feel like there always paid to give false reviews so I would much rather look at blogs of girl/boys like me that just love makeup. I think we need to support each other. I feel like we give more honest reviews. I have had one person email me saying my blog was shit and am just someone who loves a selfie. I didn’t even let it bother me because am not trying to impress anyone I do it because I love makeup. Great post xxx

    Liked by 5 people

  6. Totally agree. I don’t quite get the secrecy…what does helping another person take away from you? There is space for everyone to succeed. What’s funny is that I’m sure many of these successful bloggers got to where they are with help or mentorship from a more experienced person. Anyway, the bloggers I’ve come across are absolutely wonderful and helpful! Glad to be a part of this community.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I don’t get it either! It’s not like giving another blogger advice hurts you in any way. Most of the bloggers I’ve met are incredibly nice too! It really is a fantastic community


  7. Love this post! I definitely feel like bloggers should support each other! I came across a beautiful quote recently which went something along the lines of “it will never dampen your success to support another”. It is super important to help each other out as we are all trying to accomplish a common goal! Good for you sharing your tips 😃

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Supporting one another is the best part of the community. Even if it’s just telling them to “keep your chin up” when someone is having a hard time and finding it difficult to post.

    Liked by 4 people

  9. Great post! Any tips on how to go about building a community of supper? I just started my blog about a month ago and I still feel like my readers are 90% friends and family. Don’t get me wrong, I love that my friends and family are reading my blog, but I want to built on that.

    Any insights are greatly appreciated!


    Liked by 3 people

  10. I definitely agree! I’m just starting to blog and I’m starting to get a sense of what you’re talking about. I didn’t think that this industry would be so competitive when I started posting but, it definitely has that tension.

    Thanks for calling it out!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Pingback: Open your MIND
  12. I love this post!! I hope it’s okay, I mentioned this post in my recent blog post! I am a beginner and I had no idea the blog world could be so competitive. For me, I wanted to have something where I can just write whatever I’m feeling in that moment-about anything-, I am in no way wanting to compete with anyone. 🤷🏻‍♀️🙂🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  13. Couldn’t agree more! I’m anew blogger and when I first started up I emailed a blogger who I admired for help, and I never heard back. That made me so sad and I felt so insignificant. We need to help build each other up!

    Liked by 3 people

  14. Bloggers should 100% support and help other people! Its all about sharing information/helping out others! One of the main reasons I blog is to help others – even over small things, like choices of which subscription box to go for! Its great to be able to help each other/share ideas etc!! great post topic!!


  15. I just read this post and I completely agree with everything your saying, I have just started out as a blogger, it’s always been something I wanted to do, however I have always been scared of what people might think, but what you said in this post that bloggers should support each other is exactly right. Couldn’t agree more. I would love if you could check out my blog and any feedback would be amazing on how I can improve or anything would be highly regarded.
    Alex xx


  16. Super new to blogging and actually not until reading your piece did I even think this environment would be like that. So far everyone has been so supportive and really engaging. Im so for everyone succeeding and getting what they want out of life. Im glad that I’ve only had a good experience so far. Awesome piece of writing with a message we should all take on board, not just in this environment but in life! Cheer each other on!


  17. I genuinely don’t understand why you wouldn’t help each other out – I’ve only been blogging for about two months and I’ve had loads of help from people, and equally I want to help them in anyway I can. It seems daft to try and go it alone… completely defeats the point of blogging! 🙂


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