My Favorite Face Mask Right Now

Over the last year or so, one thing I’ve really gotten into is skincare. It’s been a bit of a shock to me to be quite honest. In the past, I’ve perceived skincare as a necessary but generally uninteresting component of beauty. However, I’ve recently come to enjoy trying out different skincare products and seeing what works for me. Strange as it may sound, I actually get really excited when I discover a new skincare must-have.

Like, excited enough to write an entire blog post about it.

Today’s post is all about my current favorite face mask, the Sephora Collection Blue clay mask, which I got as a birthday gift last month.

I’ve been trying really hard recently to stick to a consistent skincare regime, and one of the steps I’ve been following has been to use a face mask at least once a week. While using face masks more routinely has been wonderful for my skin, there’s been one major problem: they are EXPENSIVE. It’s hard to believe the price tags on some of the high-end face masks out there. I can’t imagine they are in a lot of people’s price range.

Enter. The Sephora Collection’s Blue clay mask.

At $8, this is one of the most affordable face masks I’ve ever seen at Sephora. The product comes in a plastic pouch that is supposed to contain enough for four uses. But I’ve been able to get more than that, and I haven’t even finished it up yet.

However, price isn’t the only factor going for it. This mask works wonders. I put a nice layer of the clay on my face and leave it there for about 15-20 minutes before washing it off. The clay has a bit of texture that helps to exfoliate, but overall it has pretty smooth consistency.

As soon as I start washing the mask off, I can feel a dramatic difference in my skin. My typically dry skin suddenly becomes unbelievably soft and hydrated. There isn’t a dry patch to be found. In addition, my pores appear noticeably smaller, and my skin has a glowing, refreshed look to it. I’ve never had a product make such an impressive change in such a short amount of time.

I know this isn’t much of a post. And I probably could have waited and done something more substantial and in-depth in my August favorites. But, sometimes, you discover a product so good that it deserves its own post. And given both the quality and price of this one, I felt like I couldn’t wait till the end of the month to say something about it.

Anyway, I would definitely recommend giving the Sephora Collection’s Blue clay mask a try the next time you are out makeup shopping. Had I not gotten it as a gift, this mask would have been something I saw on the shelves of Sephora and never given a chance to.  What a mistake that would have been.

Thank you so much for reading!


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What’s your current skincare favorite? 

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13 thoughts on “My Favorite Face Mask Right Now

  1. oh! I have a birthday at the end of the month I will have to pick this up as a treat to myself! Thanks for sharing, i’ve never tried a sephora mask but have heard so many good things about them. my skin gets dryer in the colder months which are quickly approaching so this sounds perfect!

    Mich //


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